Soundstaging and Imaging: The Delusion about The Illusion

Soundstaging in a recording—be it a live performance or studio event—and it’s reproduction in the home has been the topic of many a discussion both in the forums and in the audio press. Yet, is a recording’s soundstage and imaging of individual participants, whether musicians or vocalists, things that one can truly perceive or are they merely illusions that we all are imagining as some sort of delusion?


Showing 2 responses by sgordon1

Ever notice this correlation:
the more undefined terms that appear in an original post,
the less real content it likely contains.  After reading it
for the fifth time, for me, it is hard to answer,
"What is this person saying?"

So, future responses to the post are doomed to be imprecise,
confusing, and ultimately empty of meaningful ideas.  

Just my opinion, of course.
(Cat chasing its tail.)