I agree a lot has changed in the market - Meyer, Nexo and Funktion One make great gear for PA. IMHO EAW Anya has the best portable array system currently for stadiums. These days, it is as much about an easily setup and controlled computerized adaptive sound management system as it is high quality transducers. Anya from EAW is the most impressive I have heard - it turns lousy venues into qood to excellent acoustics. Incredible ability to tune the sound in all directions.
It is just Buellrider97 specifically mentioned the sound from the Supertramp tour as being something he has been looking for. Supertramp like Pink Floyd were very careful about sound quality. Crime of the Century MFSL version is probably the most dynamic range pop album ever released! Supertramp were famous for their live sound too and especially the bass response.
That said not much has actually changed in terms of low distortion and high SPL. It simply takes lots of clean power and very expensive good quality drivers (large motors, large underhung voice coils and large woofers with high Xmax). At that time, the ATC 12 inch driver was the best in the entire PA market. Other large PA speaker manufacturers no doubt copied ATC higher performance designs (and made them at lower cost) and meanwhile ATC continued improving their design far beyond what is necessary for a PA setup and entered the high end studio market (where users were willing to pay for costly incremental performance improvements at high SPL for their showcase Main Monitors)
So to summarize, my last two comments are really directed at Buellrider97 and I am not suggesting anyone start building there own speakers to achieve "explosive dynamics" - although that is probably the cheapest solution!!!
+2 Hddg - large Tannoy is another good option.