Soundsmith VPI Zephyr vs. Dynavector 17D3??

I recently picked up a Zephyr for my VPI Traveler and while I do love it, its just not the sound im looking for. On my system, it sounds too analytical and just doesn't have that liveliness my 10x5 seemed to give me. Don't get me wrong, the Zephyr is a FAR better sounding cart than the 10x5 in nearly every area, but it just lacks that toe-tapping momentum (if that even makes sense)...

I wanted to get an opinion on how the Zephyr fairs when compared to a 17D3. My phono stage is an RSA F-117. I love the Dynavector sound and im beginning to think the 17D3 might be comparable in resolution to the Zephyr, but adding that liveliness im looking for.

Finally, i've also been thinking about the Dynavector XX2. Any thoughts on this as well?

Showing 2 responses by dopogue

My Zephyr sounded great out of the box and if it broke in further, it was rather subtle. Never heard a 17D3, but the Zephyr is a marked improvement over a 10X5 I had, which went on Ebay within a couple months after I bought it. Sounds like there may be a system mismatch somewhere. I'm using my Zephyr on a JMW 10.5i arm into an Aesthetix Rhea phonostage.
Afterthought. Right after I got my Zephyr I noticed it was a low-rider -- cartridge body nearly touching the records -- to the point where I called Peter Ledermann (Soundsmith) to discuss this with him. He suggested changing VTF from 2.0g (where I had it and in the region specified by the sheet that came with the cartridge) to 1.4g or even 1.2g. He said that my arm could handle this lighter VTF without a problem. Also he recommended setting VTA with the tail of the arm slightly up. This definitely resolved the low-riding issue. Whether it actually sounded better afterwards I can't say.