Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge taken to the next level

After a long pause, my analog was reinstalled 6 weeks ago.
This pause gave me the chance to go to the next level on my Straingauge.
Atm, Straingauge is a great performer, but IMHO it’s let down by it’s cheap and nasty 24V DC wall warts.
Initially I upgraded these to Red Wine Audio Black Lightning battery psu which gave a great upstick in SQ, but at expense of ongoing unreliability.
So 9 months ago I commissioned Peter Downs of Alternative Audio in SW of U.K.,
to make a bespoke psu to the cart.
And after many prototypes the finished version, with specialist transformer, oversized choke and best choice of caps etc, was delivered and installed.
Together with a sister psu to replace the stock one on my Trans Fi Salvation rim drive motor.
6 weeks of burn in, and I’m in Seventh Heaven re the SQ impvts these psus are bringing to the party.
Will report more at next post. But I can’t praise Peter enough in what he’s created, it’s truly taking my analog to the next level.


Thankyou for your reply !

Just a clarification, does your new unit replace the Soundsmith energizer, or does the new power supply provide power to the Soundsmith energizer?

Do you use a preamp, or do you go direct to amp?

It is astounding to me that more performance is available from this system. In my case, I currently use the sg5 stylus, so another level will be achieved when I go to sg6. Hard to imagine , and then to realize another level of performance is available beyond that.....

For me this has been the single best audio upgrade I have ever done. It,s a keeper!



Ron, the psu replaces the stock wall warts, to power the energiser.
Energiser into preamp.
I believe I have the top stylus.
SG absolutely has an amazing potential upside. The RWA batt psu showed some of that, but the Alternative Audio bespoke psu goes further.
I’m never moving past the SG.

I was fortunate enough to get an SG220 which has a variable gain among other features. I go straight to amp. With various  preamps, I feel the best "truth" of the performance is without a preamp in my system. Thank you again for your insight !


Do email my psu designer and see what he has to say. I can’t praise his work enough.
I'm am intrigued by the Straingauge system and have pondered upgrading from Peter's wonderful Hyperion.  I HATE wallwarts...they have no place in the high end audio!  Can you please tell us what the retail price is for your new power supply?