Soundsmith's turnaround time?

How long have you guys had to wait to get your cartridge back for repair/retip?
Sent 2 of mine on December 1st 2009. No status update and no response to my emails. Called twice and "will look into it and will get back to you".
Still nothing.

Anyone can share their experience on wait time?
Thanks Peter. Your time is very valuable and i would not want you to spend additional time on cartridges that are not repairable. Those 2 cartridges were actually sent from Canada not England. I was not aware of the problem you have encountered with UPS on duties. There should be no duties between Canada and the USA under The North American Free Trade Agreement. I can understand duties if they had come to you from England. I am somewhat puzzled by this.

Whatever time you have invested in those 2 cartridges is valuable to you and me and i will pay for your time whether they are repairable or not. I do not expect you to do all this investigative work for free and no one should. Just let me know how much i owe you.

Note: Those 2 cartridges had been purchased "used" here on Audiogon as i did not have the means to purchase new. Never again will i do this. Live and learn!!!
Thanks again......

in my humble opinion this is certainly one of the most interesting and perspective-giving threads I have read on Audiogon thus far. Thank you everyone,

:) listening,

I have had many dealings with Peter and yes, things do sometimes take longer then expected, which is a good thing.

Soundsmith does not have an assembly line of low paid workers toiling away, it’s not a company run by bean counters looking to squeak out every ounce of profit from a limited range of products and services. It’s a company run by a man with real passion for what he does and the industry.

Peter contributes more to furthering truth and understanding in an industry full of snake oil then anyone I’ve met.

Try calling Koetsu and asking for the head designer!
I sent out my Dynavector XV1S to soundsmith in mid February for his $350 replacement "needle" (mine was broken off right at the base, amazingly my wife and kids DON"T KNOW how it happened.....I guess it was magic....) anyway..., They said the turnaround time was in 12 to 14 weeks, Recieved AS STATED April 12th!! THANK YOU SOUNDSMITH!!!
My amp and preamp took nine months to complete after an original estimate of six-eight weeks at Soundsmith.The resulting sound of the equipment is fantastic.The staff is not just a staff,it's more like a club of enthusiasts and curators.Peter is a hi-fi legend and very generous of spirit.He befriended my son and entertained him with a demonstration of tricks he has trained his dog to do.Then he gave us a tour of his showroom,dispite the fact that he was hosting an industry luncheon.We audio enthusiasts(spoiled children)are not buying mass produced products.We are purchasing limited production,mostly handmade,gizmos that are very specialized.We should be a bit more patient and Soundsmith should provide a little more realistic turnaround time and we'll all meet in the middle and enjoy the experience.