Soundsmith re-tips received today

I had 3 cartridges done and installed an Audioquest 7000 onto my Graham 2.2 , which is mounted on a Symphonic Line Turntable.

Right out of the box this thing sounds spectacular, I had expected some rough hours before break-in. Any others get their re-tips sounding great right away?

Showing 1 response by justlisten

Hi Raul

That makes a lot of sense....that there would be little break in period on a retip.

Opus, I just told Soundsmith to do whatever would sound best no matter the cost. This is what he suggested and I did with the Audioquest

Update on RA12412 - status: Your cartridge has been received.-Please allow 10-12wks for rebuild. The suspension appears ok, the stylus should be replaced while keeping the original boron cantilever. I would suggest our \"retip only\" option and get the CL stylus for $350.00. Please advise. Thank you, paid: ,
Price breakdown: