Soundsmith Progression: MIMC Star > Sussurro Mk II

Hey Folks--the discount now available on the Sussurro Mk II has me considering the jump from the MIMC Star. Has anyone made the leap and/or done a direct comparison in their own system and, if so, how would you characterize the difference in performance? Thanks for your input.

Showing 22 responses by slaw

My point was going to be, with my Classic 3 Sig SE, it was. I can only assume, their are many VPI owners out there that don't realize this and take for granted their VPI tt's are performing at their best.

So if your StP distance was off, your evaluation was off as well.

Just wondering.... assuming you install your own cartridges, did you ever notice the StP distance being off on the VPI?

I have around 2500 hours on my Sussurro MkII, still sounds great. I have settled on VTA being ever so slightly higher at the back of the cartridge ( may be because all of the hours). I recently bought a demo Zephyr MIMC * ES lo, for when I send the Sussurro back.

@tonyptony ,

It's a close call with my old eyes but I'd say it's level with a regular weight lp.
Based upon your post, I'd say you have already answered your own question.
I’m right at the 50 hour mark now. I’m so involved in the music There’s no hint of brightness or etch and all the while every part of the frequency spectrum is presented so real and full. If things get better, I’m all for it Otherwise, I’m very, very happy.

For me, it has boosted my confidence regarding the years I've spent building my system and now, finally hearing what it is capable of. So rewarding!
A couple other points...

The way the cartridge body extends down to surround the cantilever on both sides, aides in the set-up process, while adding protection.

This cartridge plays dead quiet.
I think I have around 12 listening hours on the Sussuro MkII now. Here are the main attributes I experience now compared to any other cart I own. This cart originally cost twice, at retail, to any other cart I've ever owned. At the price I paid,  it was an absolute steal.
1. Ease of set-up. This is key, because it speaks to the quality of the parts used and the builder's expertise. This really inspires confidence for the end user. It's the end user's first impression, so to speak.
2. The soundstage is huge and presents more naturally than I've ever heard. It's all of one piece.
3. The tonal presentation of every voice, every instrument is superior. Playing PF "The Wall" (2016 re-master)… the bass drum and bass guitar have superior fullness. This lp is absolutely awesome.
4. It seems to have all of the positive attributes of MM and MC, melding them together for a perfect cart.

One of the best purchases I've made.
instead of one portion/instrument overtaking a part of the soundstage.. it's still there just integrated to a degree that is so natural....
transients are profound, yet not in your face
soundstage is wide and very natural
dynamics are better without any brightness
before there was a distinct pocket of center stage and R & L, now they are still easily delineated yet are melded into a very enjoyable ONE.
the outer edges of the music you never knew was there, is suddenly placed in the soundscape so naturally

a very smooth yet proper presentation. nothing missing

1st of all, it's a breeze to set up! Initially, I have it running @ 500ohms. Granted, I just installed it so it's going through the normal back & forth, and I haven't yet tried it on many different genres, but it just seems right and I get a feeling that it will settle in to be a great cart.
@audioquest4life ,

That sounded great! It's interesting you made a comparison to the Benz LPS. My (trusted friend) has that same cart.
@audioquest4life ,

Although your explanation of your experience was had enough realism to make me want to hear mine even more. Good luck!
@hcalland ,

The (key) that comes with it.....(it comes in a very nice box, but no manual) is this to be inserted into a USB port? I’m not very computer literate. If so, I assume this will reveal the online manual.
I've wanted a SS cartridge for several years. I just bought a Moerch DP8 w/ blue armwand. I have a trusted friend who told me the Sussurro was THE best cartridge he has heard. Given that this cart will mate perfectly to the blue armwand and the price, and it's really a lifetime cart w/ the $650 rebuild price, I think I'll go for it. Don't know when I'll get everything mounted though.