Soundsmith Progression: MIMC Star > Sussurro Mk II

Hey Folks--the discount now available on the Sussurro Mk II has me considering the jump from the MIMC Star. Has anyone made the leap and/or done a direct comparison in their own system and, if so, how would you characterize the difference in performance? Thanks for your input.

Showing 3 responses by billstevenson

Motivated like the rest of you by the great promotional pricing, I went whole hog and bought a Hyperion MkII.  Phono Stage is a Conrad Johnson TEA1series3.  The high gain stage has a fixed loading of 430 ohms.  Right now it is mounted in my Technics SL1200GAE.  The choice of headshell, proved tricky.  It turns out a Zupreme sounds lively, a Yamamoto HS-4S sounds dull and lifeless.  Still can't figure out why.  Anyway, the Hyperion is really amazing as you would expect.  I have been using an Ortofon Per Winfeld (original), which is also a very nice cartridge, but the Hyperion is just a whole new ball game.
The mounting of the cantilever is essentially identical to a metal one.  I examined the construction and paid particular attention to how the stylus is mounted to the cantilever using a Wild-Heerbrugg microscope.  Everything looks good.  Can't comment on how the cactus will age, but the 10 year warranty is there and I don't expect trouble. 

I have several other cartridges, the most similar being an Ortofon Per Winfeld, which has been my favorite cartridge of years.  I prefer it to the A95, which would be a good comparison to your Sussaro I'd think.  The Winfeld is more laid back, smaller sound stage, very neutral, some would call it boring.  The Hyperion, opens up the sound stage, has an uncanny way of separating every instrument and voice, almost like a pointillistic painting, textures are palpable.  It takes rosin on the bow to a whole new level, almost like you can count each vibration of the bow string separately.  The goose bump factor is off the charts.  I have never heard anything like it.  Life like doesn't even begin to cover it. 
I agree with you that it would be so nice to be able to hear and compare these things.  Soundsmith is active at the audio shows.  Perhaps that would afford the best chance for an audition, although I find it difficult to evaluate anything when everything is different, but that is me.  As you say the other components, not to mention the room itself are all factors that make it difficult to evaluate audio components.  I rely on reviewers, and Anthony Cordesman has been a consistent advocate for Soundsmith for years.  Another credible guy, IMHO, is Mikey Freman and he, too, has consistently spoken highly of Soundsmith.