Soundproofing Doors at Home Depot

The walls of my listening room are pretty solid, but a fair bit of noize seems to leak out underneath the door, which then echoes into the hallway which is acoustically bright and reflective.

Consulting websites which are devoted to soundproofing, I have found some impressive but very expensive solutions: seals which move up and down, lead lined recording studio doors, door sized covers etc etc.

For my purposes, I would greatly appreciate any advice on how I might install a simple, inexpensive solution for this old wooden door which has a gap of at least an inch.

Would home depot have a seal that you would recommend? A heavy rubber flap for the door jam?

Has anyone had success doing this yourself?



Showing 1 response by ksales

I used sounddeadening doors. Heavy wood core with tremendous fire rating. Rubber gasketing around the frame with a base that drop seals when the door closes. Really tighten up the room. You can reach high sound levels and these can not be heard outside the room. I don't really believe treating the hall would be helpful at all.