Soundlab Dynastats

I have just moved a pair of Soundlab Dynastat speakers into my listening room.
I am guessing they are 20 years old but not sure.
Can anyone offer background on the speakers and suggestions on setup?
Thanks in advance for your input.


Showing 1 response by audiokinesis

Thermals, imo the Dynastat is an excellent loudspeaker which gets overlooked because its fullrange-panel big brothers are what everyone focuses on.   

Regarding setup:  

Like other dipole speakers, the Dynastats benefit from having a fair amount of space between themselves and the front wall, to allow for a suitably long time delay before the backwave's reflection arrives at the listening area.   I'd suggest 5 feet but if that is not possible then try to diffuse the backwave.  You can place bushy plants like ficus trees to intercept the backwave bounce that's would otherwise be heading straight towards the listening area.   

Since the bipolar panels of the Dynastats have a null to the side, they are more tolerant of being placed near the sidewalls than most speakers.  

Something you might want to be aware of is this:  Sound literally falls off more slowly with distance from the line-source-approximating panels than from the point-source-approximating woofer.   So up very close, and the woofer will be louder than the panels.  Back too far, and the panels will be louder than the woofer.  You can use the bias control on the panels sort of like a level control if the panels are too loud.  The woofers have their own level control.  

If the bass is too heavy, you add stuff the port with some open-cell foam.  Make sure you can easily breathe through the foam.  You can get open-cell foam at a fabric shop, and you probably will not need a very thick layer in order to remove energy from the port's airstream.  
