Soundlab A3s and thoughts.

Hi all. i’ve sold my Oranutans and my Brinkmann TT and was going to give it a rest for a while while i renovate an old house we just bought. but.....i’ve just agreed to buy a pair of Soundlab a3s from a local chap.

They sounded nice nice with his n-core digital amp and an ayon cd/pre. i don’t know what generation they are and I don’t intend to upgrade them. i wasn’t looking to buy another system but i’m a sucker for interesting hi-fi.

Anyway, i’m looking for second hand amp recommendations for these. i was thinking Red Dragon S500 but they seem to be missing in action on their web site. What do you guys think would work well and is cheap. (1-2k second hand). this system is kind of an excersize in putting a decent system together for 5k ish.

Also general thoughts about how to get the best from them, from those with experience.

oh ! just one last thing.... if anyone has an email-able user instructions for them they could send me that would be a tremendous help.

Thanks all,  Wish me luck.



Showing 1 response by kingdeezie

I’ve had my pair of Soundlabs M-645s for about 8 months now. They were brand new so newest bass focus panels and transformers. I still use a Pass Labs 350.8 for juice. They need the power. 

The bias is critical! This has to be set correctly before using the speakers. Not setting it properly can damage the speaker. It directly effects efficiency, and controls the amount of voltage applied to the panel.

If you google search setting the bias on Soundlabs you will get some direction. There shouldn’t be any continuous crackling or cracking, that means the bias is too high. 

Some people set the bias to a point where cracklings can be heard intermittently and very close to the speaker. This gives you better efficiency. 

I lower mine just till I hear the crackling stop completely. Lower efficiency, but potential longer panel life. 

I also have mine on a switched outlet so that I can turn them off when not in use. YMMV, and I don’t know if Dr. West recommends one way or the other. 

Enjoy the speakers!