Soundbar or speakers?

Total audio noob here. My son is getting a PS4 for Christmas (ok, it's for me) and I want to kick up the sound a bit. Right now we are rocking built in speakers only.

Thinking of a Soundbar because it would be easy and cheap, but only if the sound is decent. 

If not a soundbar, what do I need for decent sound without going too far past the cost of a soundbar? Not interested in wiring or mounting speakers behind me either. Lazy here.
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I prefer to buy soundbar because of its advantages in technology

Positive Soundbar Features:
Easy installation
Proper price and appearance
No need for wiring
Small dimensions and occupy minimal space
There are many ways to communicate with files

Negative features of Soundbar:
No player for disk
Limited power amplifier
Inability to create Dolby sound
Lack of remote control in some models

If economy and ease are factors, get a soundbar and sub. We have one. $149. Optical link allows TV remote to control it. Sounds great. Bass is good.very clear sound.