Sound Stop by Celotex - Anyone Familiar?????

I'm currently doing the electric in my dedicated room and trying to decide what I want on the walls. The more info I get, the more confused I become. I'm to the nuthin fancy point and just want it done. My drywaller mentioned something called Sound Stop by Celotex. Looks like what the doctor ordered for keeping the room extremely quiet (used in apartments and condos). It's either that behind the sheetrock or double layers of rock. Is anyone familiar with or used this product?

Showing 2 responses by albertporter

The product you are talking about is good. In fact I believe Dow Chemical is buying them.

When the one half inch board referred to as Sound Stop is applied on BOTH sides of the stud wall, and layered on top with one half inch sheet rock, it delivers an STC rating of 44. The actual material used to manufacture Sound Stop is 97% recycled newsprint, so you are doing the environment a favor by purchasing this product.

There is another alternative, three and a half inches of Owens Corning fiberglass with standard sheet rock walls also delivers a STC rating of 44, with slightly higher R factor ( insulation rating ).

I studied this as I have been constructing my listening room, and decided on one layer of three eights mahogany paneling, one layer of five eights sheet rock screwed to studs, then a second layer of five eights sheet rock attached with liquid nails. Owens Corning pink in the void, and the other side of this wall is a single layer of five eights sheet rock. I should achieve a rating of 55.

If you want acoustic improvement you must go BEYOND what you are considering. The measures you are considering are primarily to stop sound from entering or exiting the room.

Hope this helps.
You should achieve all the isolation you can use, far superior than the typical construction for dedicated rooms.

Still, the interior walls would benefit from acoustic treatment to reduce slap echo standing waves and boundary (proximity) reflections. Typical cures after construction and finish out are RPG, Skyline, Echo Busters, Tube Traps and similar products. You might consider what I am doing, applying Owens Corning acoustic treatment on the walls, then covering with acoustic cloth for a fine finish look. I can provide the links for the track system that supports this product if you wish.