Sound quality of XM radio Direct TV vs standalone

How good is the sound quality of XM radio? I have it on my Direct TV and run it thru my Creek integrated and decent speakers. It sounds just "ok" not anything special. Are the sonics better (much better?) with a regular stand alone subscription for the full XM service and using, say, a Polk XM tuner? If it's not much better, I don't think I'll pay the additional cost even though I would get twice the number of music channel offerings. Any help here? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by rar1


I subscribe to Sirius (Howard Stern ... nuff said) and am using the Tivoli Satellite Radio both as a standalone radio and as a tuner connected through my stereo system. The Tivoli is a more than respectable tuner. The satellite radio sound is OK, but just OK even when played through the stereo. From my initial reading about Sirius technology, I took away that Sirius was playing with the sound just like FM broadcasters are. Also, depending on where you live, satellite strength can be problematic (big cities, like NYC) and relies on additional boosting. My guess is that the XM folks are doing the same as the ultimate technology is the same for everyone.

Regards, Rich