Sound proofing panels and other equipment - What is the best out there right now

Due to my father-in-laws reduced mobility, my in-laws are letting go of their house and have bought a condo in a seniors oriented building. My father-in-law is a big home theater buff, and does like music, so the goal is to turn one of the bedrooms, approximately 16*12*8 into a home theater, complete with reasonable sound-proofing treatment. I am reasonably versed in acoustics, and so far, the several contractors I have talked to have not inspired confidence on being up on the latest "tech".

I would be very interested in any suggestions people would have for modern sound-proofing products they have come across. I am sure I can find a contractor I can trust to do good work, I just think they may need a push to achieve the best results possible.  The contractor can handle the usual issues with sound-proofing.

While money is always an object, the are fairly comfortable and can't enjoy all the usual toys any more, so an appropriate amount can be spent, and they are both in excellent health so will enjoy it for many years and hopefully it will become a hub activity with their friends.

Showing 1 response by pragmasi

I won’t go over what many have said here but in your case you’re probably best attacking the weak spots to start with. It’s very difficult to suggest something without knowing the situation of the room e.g. what the floor and wall materials are and where the people that might get disturbed are. I have made gobo’s before (google acoustic gobo) with glass fibre insulation and a free hanging limp mass, whether that could be scaled up to work treat whole room I don’t know. Adding mass to the floor beneath the loudspeakers might help as well.

edit-> I just re-read your last post properly and see that most room boundaries are concrete which for sound proofing is a good thing. Perhaps try the limp mass approach on the hallway wall.