Sound of SED Winged C KT88 vs. SED Winged C 6550's

Curious as to what if any sonic differences I could expect in comparing the SED KT88's vs. their SED 6550 counterparts. I've researched the forums quite a bit over the last month or so and even asked the question to Kevin Deals gatekeeper @ Upscale Audio... his response was that there was little to no sonic differences between the two.

My amp is a McIntosh MC275 MKV, currently using the stock McIntosh KT88's, which I've been told by Audiogon's Nsgarch, are SED KT88's.

Showing 1 response by maxmad

Bit out of topic.

I never tried SED valves, but in my PL Plologue Two, KT88 gives more body, like Newbee wrote, and I think this is what you may expect, generally speaking.
Personally, I compared NOS 6550 Tung Sols grey plates with holes, NOS 6550 Tung Sols Black smooth plates, NOS 6550 Sylvania and NOS GEC KT88, which I am using now. NOS 6550 Tung Sols Black smooth plated are great, but not as much as KT88, however may depend in which amp, or simply putted set up, you are using them.
The bad thing, as always with NOS, they are very expensive, but from what I heard/read, TungSols, even they are below their minimum, still sound wonderfull, talking about Black smooth plated from 50's, but they dont have that magic of GEC, I would say KT88 are more involving/musical as well, at least to my ears.