Sound of SED Winged C KT88 vs. SED Winged C 6550's

Curious as to what if any sonic differences I could expect in comparing the SED KT88's vs. their SED 6550 counterparts. I've researched the forums quite a bit over the last month or so and even asked the question to Kevin Deals gatekeeper @ Upscale Audio... his response was that there was little to no sonic differences between the two.

My amp is a McIntosh MC275 MKV, currently using the stock McIntosh KT88's, which I've been told by Audiogon's Nsgarch, are SED KT88's.

Showing 3 responses by knghifi

Newbee, can you comment on the sonic differences between a SED 6550 and Reissued Tung-Sol 6550? ... which one has less smear when dealing with complex passages and poorly recorded compress music.


I switched from EH6550 to GL Reissued KT88 several years ago and the GL is SUPERIOR in every way. Surprisely GL is warmer but also much higher resolution.

My amps require 4MQ so NOS is out of the question. Looking for a tube with the sound of GL Reissued KT88 but higher resolution. Willing to give up a touch of body and bloom ... I DON'T want a SS sound. I'm satisfy with GL but like to experiment ... a bonus with tubes.

I try not dealing with Upscale any longer. ~A years ago I emailed Upscale, Goodwin High End and Audiowave on a EquiTech 2Q. Only Alan @Audiowave replied and ended up purchasing 2 new units from him. Thank GOD for the internet ... have found many great dealers.
Newbee, thanks for the comparison.

It's tough to roll power tubes since the amp requires 4MQs. I'm satisfied with the sound of the amp so probably stick with GL reissued KT88 when it's time for a new set. Already rolled all the small tubes ... was just curious on SED and Tung-Sol 6550.