Sound lab - Eminent Technology - Innersound

I don't have a truckload of cash so I can't afford the large Sound Labs.

Does anyone have first hand experience with the S L Dynastat? If so, how do they compare to the ET's LFT-VIIIa's or Innersound Eros MK II?

Also, anyone have experience with Sound Lab's center channel, the Marquee, in a two (L&R) or three (L&R&C) setup?

I was thinking multiple Marquee's would capture the magic of Sound Lab in a small home theater setup.

Thank You

Showing 1 response by bpwalsh

As a Sound Lab owner and dealer, I agree using multiple Marquees would not be satifactory. I suggest finding the space for at least a pair of Dynastats. The other speakers mentioned beam significantly due to their flat panels, which may be a major issue for when more than one listener is present. Bass is another consideration: the ETs might be very thin sounding for use in a home theater system without subwoofers.
