Sound from my turntable is veiled (like behind a curtain)

Hi everyone, my first post here.

I want to improve the sound of my turntable (Technics SL-1200 MK2, with Ortofon MC1 Turbo). My guess is that I need a better phono stage for it, right now I use the phono input of an old Toshiba SY-C15 pre-amp (, connected to my Hegel H100 integrated amp. It is mainly the voice that sounds veiled (excuse my French, I am not sure if I use the right word). When I compare a same song from a digital source, through my DAC (Hegel HD-20), the voice and other high pitch sound are not present when played from the phono. I noticed this problem lately, when I changed my Rega Naos speakers for Amphion Argon 7LS.

What would be a good phono stage for this setup, and would this makes my analog source sounds better than the digital, as I expect it. I have a budget of around $1500 for this, used is fine.

Thank you!

Showing 3 responses by roberjerman

Clean the stylus using a piece of Magic Eraser. Check the alignment and tracking force. Remember that LP's can vary widely in sound quality - from absymal to sublime!
The Toshiba should offer very good sound. No need to be ashamed for using it! Leave it on 24/7 (as you should for any SS equipment). Japanese equipment from the late 70's - mid 80's achieved a high level of SQ!
+1 ggagnon! I clean the styli on my cartridges after every side. I have used isoprophanol on the Discwasher brush for decades without any damage! The use of a cleaner from AT or LAST is a good recommendation! Before playing a side I like to apply a lubricant (Stylast). Claimed to reduce wear on the diamond stylus!