Sound Dynamics 300Ti Replacement.

Please recommend speakers to replace the Sound Dynamics 300Ti. My criterion are:

1.) Efficient enough for a 6W single ended tube amp.
2.) Works well in a 10' x 10' room.
3.) Maintain all the strengths of the 300 Ti but provides more midrange body and LESS chassis resonance.
4.) Within $1000 used.
5.) Either slim floorstanders or monitors.

My components are:
Cambridge Azur 640 CD player.
Image 6Bi tube integrated using 6BX7 as power driver tubes.
Guerrilla audio silver interconnects.
Signal Cable Ultra speaker cables.

Thank you.

Showing 1 response by schipo

I have a pair of 300ti speakers. You could cut down on some of the box resonance, by placing something heavy on top of the speakers. I am using some cut blue stone that weighs in around or over thirty pounds, more than the speakers weigh. This has reduced by a wide margin much of if not all of that problem in this design. All in all this is a very good speaker, not only in its price range, but sounding much more than the price it sells for.