Sound Deadening

I live in a condo that has less than satisfactory sound insulation between me and my neighbor. I rarely hear my neighbor, but I suspect that they hear me quite often =] . I own the place, so I am not opposed to doing some major modifications (hopefully inexpensive). I found some good stuff at: but I am wondering if anyone else has any other information. Thanks!!!!

Showing 1 response by avguygeorge

You may be able to deaden it in your room(not good)but as the bass waves get further away,they get longer.(longer= louder)You know those mini trucks?Well, the bass ain't nearly as ofensive in the truck.You have to put *tons* of fiberglass in the celing,also between the walls,then,what to do with the bass waves that pass only because the floors are connected ? I'm assuming mirrored image, side by side.Up down not much better.I'm an apt.dweller,let me in on anything that works.