Sound card suggestions

I have recently bought a Bryston intergrated amp with a built in dac, toslink and spdif connections only. At this moment i am using a Macbook pro with an Apogee Duet connected to the standard rca inputs.

I am currently buiding a pc to use as my music server to utilize the dac in the amp which should be alot better than the duet.

I am looking for a good sound card with s/pdif output for stereo playback. Most sound cards are geared more for gaming and surround sound which is of no use for me. I've seen some professional card on the market, but none with spdif output. Cost is not really a factor. I will probably sell the mac and duet to pay for the card.

Another question.

Which is better s/pdif or toslink.

Showing 1 response by mwilliams

Thanks guys

It is amazing how much info on this subject there is. once i read your suggestions i started search other forums. I even talked to steve at Empirical for a long time.

The empirical and the Bel Canto seem to be the way to go. From what i have been reading it seems that a lap top is the trick. low noise and such. Since i have 3 of them i would not have to build anything. 2 are PC and 1 is a mac It's all a free software thing after that.

Thx again
