Sound bottlenecks: Cartridge-Amp-Speakers

My Cartridge Denon DL-160 freq. range is 10Hz-60KHz (good)
My amp Yamaha RX-S: RMS output 6ohms, 20-20K, 0,04%THD
My speakers Yamaha NX-S70: Frequency Range 40-20K

My concern is that I have amp that has Phono input but no mentioning of RIAA equlisation in a manual. I assume it doen't have that feature. Also I feel it decreases the quality of LP sound since it has modest Frequency range.
Please suggest solid state Amp for around $500 or less. (must have equalization).

also I always lusted after Sonus Faber Speakers ,but last I checked their Frequency output range was very modest around 40-35K.
Please suggest which speakers I should look at ? They should be at least 20Hz-50KHz and cost under $1200 .

Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by dkzzzz

I suspected there is more to speakers than just frequency range.
I guess I just have to buy Sonus Faber on ebay and live with it. Since I have never heard any other speaker that I liked better (Polk, B&W, Boston Ac.etc)

Any suggestion for good solid state amp?
Follow up question about my Yamaha bookshelf speakers (2 drivers, Servo technology and one exhaust port).
Why is that when I watch DVDs my little speakers sound great. Many people were very surprised with they " movie theater like sound) with very little distortion. Why do they sound good with digital source and sound kind of dull and "from another room" with my analog LP source?
I do not think I am imagining things I think they do have Jekyll and Hyde personality.