@jeffreyw we've had the 331 in our Family Room stereo for about 10 days. We've been listening to mostly Jazz streaming from Qobuz on our Aurender A30. My wife has commented on hearing details she did not hear before. Music is more 3-dimensional with voices and instruments further out into our room accompanied by a wide soundstage. Despite 120 wpc vs. my previous Ayre AX-5 Twenty [125 w/c], bass instruments / drums are much tighter, deeper in reach with much more detail and GRIP. I'm guessing the power reserves supplemented by 160,000 µF of storage capacitance is what's in play here. I'm blown away.
Based on this experience, I am planning to upgrade my Office system replacing my Ayre KX-R Twenty Pre & VX-R Twenty Amp with the Soulution 312 Stereo Amplifier and the Soulution 760 DAC Converter.