SOTA vs VPI (or stick with my Rega?)

I currently have a Rega Planar 3 (2016) with a Dynavector 10x5 that suits me and my record collection (mostly reggae, afrobeat, and jazz) but have been thinking about a turntable upgrade as my vinyl collection continues to expand.

Initially, I considered just a simple Groovetracer subplatter and upgraded counterweight, but am not sure if that is worthwhile. So now I've expanded the search to include a used SOTA Sapphire V or used VPI Prime/VPI Classic. I like the Rega's "PRAT" and no-nonsense design, but would be interested in getting more detail and cleaner, deeper bass out of my vinyl.

Any suggestions/advice/thoughts and alternatives welcome. THANKS!
For reference, my system consists of a Hegel H-160, Vandersteen Treos (non CT), Rega Planar 3, LFD Phonostage LE, and Dynavector 10x5. 

Showing 3 responses by shadowcat2016

Oh yeah, and they're HEAVY.........mine weighs as much as my Bryston 4BST amp, about 45 pounds.
Oh yeah, and they're HEAVY.........mine weighs as much as my Bryston 4BST amp, about 45 pounds.
I have one of the original SOTA Saphires, bought new in the 80's. It has always been a great machine and still is, IMO. Only problem or upgrade I've ever done was a new power supply and clamp.............No experience with other TT's, never felt the need. ACOS Lustre GST 801 and yes, it does have on the fly VTA, rare at that time I think.

I can't say how much better the new models are, but after 30 years +/- I'm sure they are................Easy to set up, easy to use, great suspension, easy to upgrade, I just never bothered..............Can't go wrong with SOTA, although there are certainly others out there as good or better, depending on your bank account.