SOTA vs VPI (or stick with my Rega?)

I currently have a Rega Planar 3 (2016) with a Dynavector 10x5 that suits me and my record collection (mostly reggae, afrobeat, and jazz) but have been thinking about a turntable upgrade as my vinyl collection continues to expand.

Initially, I considered just a simple Groovetracer subplatter and upgraded counterweight, but am not sure if that is worthwhile. So now I've expanded the search to include a used SOTA Sapphire V or used VPI Prime/VPI Classic. I like the Rega's "PRAT" and no-nonsense design, but would be interested in getting more detail and cleaner, deeper bass out of my vinyl.

Any suggestions/advice/thoughts and alternatives welcome. THANKS!
For reference, my system consists of a Hegel H-160, Vandersteen Treos (non CT), Rega Planar 3, LFD Phonostage LE, and Dynavector 10x5. 

Showing 1 response by bacobits1

Check out Anvil tables out of Michigan.
You don't hear much about them but very nicely made.
I want one!