SOTA vs. Rega, VPI, Music Hall, Clearaudio

Does the SOTA even hold a candle? How much do I need to spend to make a difference? I really can't complain about my old SOTA, do the latest offerings from these other fine companies put the SOTA to shame? Can the SOTA be updated, for a reasonable cost and then can it compete? Thank you! Mark Mendenhall

Showing 1 response by nrchy

Donna and Kirk are the owners and the people to talk to at Sota.

You never mentioned what table you have, so it's hard to say if another table would be an improvement.

Sota has a great upgrade program. Your local dealer can explain it to you, or if there isn't one around Donna can give you the scoop. is probably the easiest way to get some questions answered. The website even shows some of the upgrades and gives a general idea of the costs.

I have a Star Sapphire which I think is a really good table, but I'm thinking about upgrading to a Nova platter. There are so many options! Don't dump the Sota without investigating first.