Sota Sapphire Platter Removal

I have a friend of mine who has an older Sota Sapphire table that needs the springs replaced. I do not have any history with these tables and assume that the platter will need to be removed. Can anyone advise me on the proper procedure on removing the platter on this table. I want to be careful and not do anything that may harm the bearing. Thank you.
I would contact Sota as they probably have some type of direction sheet that they can fax you. I just spoke to them last Thursday and they were very helpful. Their number is (708) 246 - 9815. They are located near Chicago, so they are on Central Standard Time. Sean
Removing the platter is done by backing out the three large bolts on the underside but make sure the two set screws are fully tightened or you could damage the bearing.This can easily be done by placing the table between two chairs and working that way.This however will not solve the suspension problem that you describe.You will need to send the table to Sota for a tune up as they have a complete kit available for close to 200-250.Better yet,check out their website at or as Sean suggested,give Kirk a call.