And the price difference? |
Because I am not interested in hurting any mafgr "specifically".It's just my opinion,and of course I expect the stone throwers to toss a few my way,'cause I made a comment that is not in favor of their preferred product.That's "audio",these days -:)
Besides you can probably figure it out.
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No,just observational truth.I'm a happy camper,these days-:)
Btw,I'm really happy for you.You've settled on very nice stuff.Be happy,and enjoy "music".
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Like the Cosmos,it has been improved over time,and represents superb value.
The thing that amuses me,is how so many competitive,not quite as good but similar(less the Vacuum)products command downright Silly/High prices,yet gain good sales.Some cannot approach "any" SOTA design in performance,but we are talking "audio" here,and many folks are jaded,as in "clueless". A popular German table,that is "dark sounding",has no effective clamping system,and no suspension comes to mind,and it has gained a wide audience.
I'm sure "it" sounds good,and have heard it(looked heavy,but I didn't think it was anything extraordinary,other than looking nice)but I'll guarantee it cannot compete on a head to head basis with a new Millenia or the Cosmos for that matter.Actually I know of a hobbyist who had this popular German design and switched to a new TNT/Rim Drive,because like the Sotas,it smoked the over-priced imposter "big time".....Go figure!
Good luck
Jaspert,if you take offense,then really,you must get a life -:)I was not being literal.
I'M SURE YOU ARE NOT CLUELESS,nor is the vast majority of forum dwellers.
I'm sarcastically implying that the audio industry is full of products that can be bettered for less money,but due to reviews etc. some folks stop listening with the ear,and are affected with their eyes.I think expensive means good,to many folks,and I know one fellow who lives by this credo.
I do hope most folks think about why something does what it does,and thinks about the physics of vinyl replay.Sadly,and I'm entitled to my own opinion,many folks are clueless here. Worse things have been said on the forum,without someone getting peeved.
Btw,SOTA happens to be a great value,and hits on all the bases regarding a fully developed and mature vinyl replay deck....Alot of big buck stuff does not!!
Best regards
That's it.Lighten up! |
Stilty,it amazes me why on Audiogon so many folks get so annoyed when someone attempts to input critical "opinons" about specific products,that they have some contrasting experiences with.
I "never" even mentioned any names!!!......Where do you come off having the credentials to psychoanalyze me?Or my motives!Why should something so dumb,get this far?
Of course,from a ton of what I've seen here,the majority of folks continuously stoke the preferred mfgr of the day,and of course defend their pals who own said products.
It is increasingly obvious that many Forumites get peeved if someone attempts to input an "opinion" about a popular product that has gained some favor with the press, and the owners who shelled out big dollars for it.
OK,I'll walk on egg shells if I want to express an opinion from now on.
Too bad you missed my point,which was in defense of the "hobby" actually.I guess some would rather see my post as negative,rather than look a little deeper.
Basically what I intended to imply(yes,it could have been worded differently,but I NEVER mentioned anyone specifically,so please don't condescend to me,because you "know" an offended person,or have the particular product that I "may" have been alluding to)was that there is frequently something better,for "less money"(this used to be important to many folks)than some high priced,well reviewed "pretty faced/underdeveloped" designs.There are quite a few,actually.
Sorry if that offends,or makes me seem angry.In the future I'll go along with what so popular "here" and kiss up to our favorite dealers and mfgrs,regardless of what they put on the table....
Btw,Stiltskin...I never once said "over priced and under performing products for the jaded and clueless".As you seem to think I had.It seems it is "you" who are attempting to single me out for criticism,and I'll bet I can figure out why!
I mentioned absolutely NO names at all.
Can you point that out if I did,in "those" words?It seems it would complement your attitude towards me to use that against me,but you misquoted me!
Any reason why you did so?I'd always thought you to be a pretty nice fellow,so surely you must have some hidden agenda(anger?defense of a friend?a product you thought I might have alluded to?just for the hell of it?).
Being "clueless"(since that seemed to be a catalyst here)does not need to be taken as an insult,and in my case it was meant in sarcasm,because many folks(and it is perfectly fine,btw)are unaware of alternative products,which happen to cost less.I'm one of them!!This "last" sentance was my exact point,and YES,I should have worded it differently.But I'm too angry-:)
"Still",best to you,and let's not get carried away,like I appear to be doing.Hmm,I DO have to get a life myself-:)
Stiltskin I'm happy you express that emotion.I admit to being over the top at times,but honestly my comment was a generalization.Why should I come under attack whem I'm not "specifically" singling anyone out?OK,I can see how "that" can happen-:)
I do happen to know some folks who think more money "always" means better.I was underhandedly speaking to them.You're not wrong to raise an eyebrow,but do you want everything on Audiogon to be strictly "Vanilla" La-de-da?
Anyway,I've always liked you,and was not happy defending my comments in a not very nice way,towards you...BUT...don't change!!This stuff is what makes this forum interesting....
In between the too frequent pandering to the dealers and mfgrs.....(that was meant in jest)
Sorry,I had to get that "generalization" in.
Best to you always...and I mean that!! |
Yo Downunder,nice to hear from ya!!I'm looking forward to the Super Bowl,but actually I'm more excited about the Aussie Final.
I need to wake up early Sunday,but it'll be worth it.
PLEEEEASE,don't get excited about my sensationalizing anything,and who can say for sure which table I was alluding to anyway.I'd still take A Raven in a NY minute,but the Sota stuff is alot less expensive,and my point was about "those" products being worthy(admittedly I said it in a roundabout way).That's it!!
I kinda forgot that this is Audiogon.
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Jasper,I'm happy for you.Who could argue with your specific choice in componentry.More importantly,enjoy your family,while they are still young.
Mine are grown and I "REALLY" miss their youth!
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