You know Warrenh knows his stuff pretty well and did a killer review on the sistrum monitor stands. However as far as power I think the efficiency of the amp may have a lot to do with the studios. I agree that with ML or someone else you might need a 250wpc into 8ohms or better. On the other hand I am driving mine with Harmonic
Precision amps at 110 wpc and more than 97% efficiency and unless I'ved snowed myself for no reason they are absolutely dynamic. I have also heard them with spectrals that were 150 wpc and while I felt the spectrals were way too bright they drove them pretty good.
Precision amps at 110 wpc and more than 97% efficiency and unless I'ved snowed myself for no reason they are absolutely dynamic. I have also heard them with spectrals that were 150 wpc and while I felt the spectrals were way too bright they drove them pretty good.