Sophia KT88 vs. Psvane KT88

I might be a tad premature here but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with these new Sophia tubes. I only found out about them a few days ago. I did contact the company and was told they do have a limited supply of KT88's. They said this is a new product for them. They quoted me a price of $400.00/pr. Seems quite steep for new production tubes. The Psvane product is less expensive. Any info you have on personal experience with the Sophia tubes, where they are made, how they compare to the Psvane products etc. would be helpful.

Showing 1 response by kcufnogoidua

So everyone is clear here, Washington_highend_audio is in-fact Sophia Electric. I live by their office and met Richard from Sophia Electric during my visit to hear Sophia Electric tubes and monoblocks some time ago.

They are a re-brander / importer for Chinese gear. If they claim to test the tubes, I would insist on individual proof sheets for each tube to prove matching / testing. I have never heard of Sophia Electric offering that. I have owned Sophia's mesh plate 300b's, and they came with generic 300b proof sheets, not actual proofs as one might find with Western Electric and many other premium brands.