Sony XA5400es vs XA777es for sacd

I just concluded 3 month compasrison of these two models-
In my opinion the xa777 has more bottom weight & musical satisfaction w/SACD then xa5400.
For Redbook the xa5400 is better..
The 5400 sounds good w/sacd until you compare w/777 then the difference is apparent.
That would explain why one is heavier & origionaly cost double.
Does anyone hear the same?

Showing 2 responses by doug99

Fishing716 this is the guy to talk to.

11-09-13: Metralla
I do not own a SCD-777ES but do own an extensively modified XA-777ES and bought a 5400. The list price was half the list price of the XA, and it probably weighs half as much. It's made in Malaysia and not in Japan, and is not quite up to the same construction standards.

But the sound of the 5400 bettered my modified XA-777ES and it continued to improve over a long period. It has been very reliable, plays every disc without issue, and has a delightful engaging "analogue" sound. One of the most enjoyable players ever made.

I still have the XA in my bedroom system.

Metralla (System | Answers | This Thread)