Sony XA5400ES fuse directionality...

Hello! I just purchased a pair of Hi-Fi Tuning (directional) fuses to upgrade the stock ones, and was wondering if any 5400 owners have discovered which way the current flows through them in this player. Do the arrows point to the right or left when viewing the fuse holders from the front of the player? Thanks for your help!

Showing 3 responses by mcintech

If a $50 fuse makes a difference, then why not bypass the f'ing thing altogether with a piece of pure copper, silver or gold. Ferchrissakes, if that much disinformation were available to my ears I would have all the watches,clocks, pets, cars, trucks and children in the neighborhood banished before listening.
If there is a distinct difference, don't let me know about it. I hate throwing up, and besides; what one does not know cannot hurt him.
Look, I KNOW there are hundreds of things regarding music playback that have NOTHING whatsoever to do with Ohms Law, measured performance or even rational thinking. Every time I dismiss something out of hand, then hear it for myself (and notice a difference) I feel the fool, but fuse polarity has no more bearing than the North-South orientation of your system in regards to Magnetic North....(believe me there was an Apple 22 inch High Res Color monitor that had to be degaussed with it oriented N-S or it got psychedelic!!! (so even this parameter need be taken into consideration as we have lots of magnetic devices in our systems, but that is another detail I cannot worry about).

I apologize for offending your original post's spirit, and since I refuse to micro analyze my system anymore (it's awesome and I plan to enjoy its awesomeness and listen to the music), that does not mean others can abide such dismissal, and cannot further reduce miniscule weaknesses.

Enjoy your journey for further truth and disregard us old curmudgeons (I have accepted the limitations of my system/room and just love the tunes. Stevie Ray Vaughan on Pandora One as we type).