SONY WEGA and component video .........

Recently bought a Sony Wega 32" KV-32FS16. Hooked it to my Sony DVD player by way of the component video connections but am getting a slight fuzzing around objects and pixilation in high detail scenes. when i switch to a super video connection it is less noticable but i loose the rich colors and fine detailed picture. Service center says picture through this component connection is as good as it gets but makes it very vulnerable to video noise. I read some people have had similar problems with HDTV stuff and progressive scan dvd. This is just regular component video using three 2 meter lengths of monster video 2 cables. I know..they are not the best of the best but still.. Sony dvd is the DVP-S530D model. Any suggestions please do tell. thanks.

Showing 7 responses by timmylikehifi

Was able to turn down/off the velocity scan on the tv but the dvd player I can't figure out how to adjust that. I'll get the video essentials as soon as i have some $. I have the tv and the dvd connected to a Panamax 6 surge/rf suppressor. I still get the video "noise". Need more suggestions.
Forgot to say that I can't upgrade ac power cords as they are fixed to the circuit boards on the tv and dvd.
After much messing around with tv and dvd..and almost a month of being "frozen" by my (my thorn in the side) internet service provider....
Finally I can write something. Guess what? My tv came down with a bad regulator according to a repair tech! What this means is that the picture was starting to bow in at the right/sometimes left side causing geometry problems with letterbox dvds and wierd color variances on the right hand side edge of the picture. Also it was "breathing" not able to fully push the picture to the sides of the screen thus leaving gaps between picture and the mat around the screen. Black scenes showed this ugly problem all too well. I went to my local electronics store and exchanged it for a same model new one. (It took a month to get an exact replacement). While I was there I saw a store demo (same model) suffering from an advanced case of this. I'm hesitant to blame my power outlet because not much is plugged in in that room with tv.
My new tv is holing out but it too shows signs at the sides of picture small gaps and the right corner at top is not always getting all the signal it needs to show all the picture. Is anyone in this same boat?
I hope all the Sony "V"egas (thanks) out there don't wind up duds.
Anyone know if those power conditioners/voltage correctors/reserve storage things would work?
I hate to think I wasted so much money and may need to spend more to maybe fix this. Maybe the whole factory run of these are defective? I'm not sure but I know I'm more than my 30 days as far as the return policy. I did manage some sense...bought a 4 year extended warranty!
Hi there...thanks for confirming that the Sony Vegas do have a problem. Thought it was just me going crazy or something.
As for what I have connected..I am just using the component in on the sony tv with a regular component out from my sony dvd player. It is not a progressive player.
My tv seems fuzzy with off air tv programs...even when tuned in as clear as it gets...I guess it is just the differance between (dvd resolution I'm spoiled) on and regular tv signal max. resolution.
I did note that my new tv receives UHF channels
in strange numerical orders though. 15 is now ch 66. Oh well any other thoughts out there?
Hi Korgwave:

The issue with the letterbox vers.the full screen...I guess that it is a personal preferance. I like when i can see a bigger picture myself. The letterbox format allows viewing more of the picture as it was in the theater but leaves the top/bottom with black bands. It sorta downscales the whole movie theater screen size to fit it all left to right on our 4:3 tv size. This get accomplished but there is all the info there is for the picture top to bottom in the format so the blank spots are black. Full screen sometimes cuts the sides off the original screen size. Seems much like zooming in on the original theater screen size but only cartain spots of it leaving out what is going on at the left to right sides. Seems this is why the whole screen is filled. This is where you see the "this movie has been formatted to fit your tv screen" flash on the tv with vhs tapes.
When it gets down to the resolution matter....regular vhs for me (after viewing dvd for a good year) is so awful by comarison. So much grain and washed out look that it now distracts me too much to watch. I also have the same problem with watching "off air" tv programs -looks so fuzzy. I sigh relief when I pop a dvd in.
Some movies are in both full screen and letterbox
on the same disc. You just need to look at the menu and if it has it -select full screen (pan and scan). At least she (your friend) will have the joy back with some movies. Again some movies are only in the letterbox format. I have to squint sometimes to see everything. I would guess that the 36" screen your friend has might help when viewing the
letterbox type movie though.
I do have to far away from the tv is she sitting?
I think I read somewhere that you have to sit five times the screen height back from the tv to get the benifit of it without seeing scan lines. Maybe that could help?

Did I get that right? It is Wega not Vega? Okay we will say it is so then. I think the Sony people want us confused -that way we all wonder about it so much the Wega brand sticks in your we will all rush over to the Sony tvs and look at them first. Chances are we will buy one too. You hear it enough you will want one..that kind of thing. Thanks for the re-correction.
...I think there is some degree of help you can get out of a filter/regulator when used with a tv. When I have my attic antenna connected to my sony at the wall outlet I get small white dots on the picture when I view "off air" tv programs. When i have it all connected through my panamax line conditioner it is almost all eliminated. Something must be helping.
I for positive don't "know it all" and like to think i am learning from experiance and through others experiances and feedback.
I think maybe a $1000.00 power regulator/line filter or whatever we want to call it may be overkill....but good power supplies have helped to further audio components it seems.
.......just a little food for the grey matter to kick about-maybe.

The green pen....i always wondered why with that. Never bought one.
Here is a thought...why is the surface color of the recordable cd format appear blue?
.......I had a laser disc player for a while and when i had the cds play sometimes I'd turn on the tv to se what gets displayed....and guess what? A green picture would show up. Why was that?
I just thought of something....Maybe I could put ceramic discs under my tv rf cable (to keep it elevated off the floor) that then connects to my sony tv-aside from the claim of sonic/video improvements it might actually keep the mice from chewing on the video cable-who knows.