Sony SCD-C555ES good for redbook?

I have read a lot about the Sony 333ES and of course the 777es but not much on AG about the 555. I recently saw that Stereophile gave it an A rating as a recommended component. I am interested in getting some feedback from someone who actually has heard or owns the unit. Thanks for your time! Tony

Showing 4 responses by bufus

I just bought an SCD-C555ES ($799 at Tweeter) and even though it isn't even broken in yet, I can tell that the redbook playback is very very good and that it will probably be deserving of its class A rating. I'm comparing to my Rega Planet. After a couple weeks of break-in, I'll know the full story. I'm very impressed with SACD so far. I started this whole multichannel adventure with a JVC DVD-AUDIO player. It never impressed me. The Steely Dan CD in my Rega was better than the Steely Dan DVD-A. Of course, its a JVC, so ???
update: I continued to be impressed by the Sony SCD-C555ES. However, I returned it before my 30 day trial was up because it had a slight rumble/vibration/buzz in the transport while playing SACDs. It didn't always vibrate but, when it did, it was audible from my listening position.

The other reason I returned it was because the warranty card in this player was from Sony Canada and it was only for 3 years. Also, it said that you had to return it to Canada for service. Sony ES products are supposed to have a 5 year warranty in America. This makes me wonder if all of Tweeter's Sony equipment is from "Sony Canada."
Now that I'm back to the Rega Planet, I can tell that the Sony had a more open soundstage, more musical presentation. The only other one they had was a display model. I may get another one from someone else. I emailed the ebay seller who had some for $549. I asked if Sony would honor the warranty if I purchased one from them. I never got a response. I don't think that was a good sign. I know some manufacturers are starting to refuse to honor warranties if you buy from unauthorized e-commerce dealers. To me, two wrongs don't make a right. They should honor the warranty if you buy the player new. It is their job to keep their stock directed to authorized dealers. After all, Sony is making the same money wether I buy it from a high end shop for full retail or on the internet for $549.
I can just say that it performs better on redbook CDs than my Rega Planet so you could immediately say it deserves a B+ or A- rating. Of course, there are so many other options. But, for its price range, $575 delivered, I don't imagine there would be many things that sound better than the SCD-C555ES. And, with this player, you can enhance your 2 channel listening pleasure with 2 channel SACDs which currently cost about $16.99, and they sound fabulous.