Sony SCD-777ES availability?

Does anyone know of any new SCD-777ES SACD players
still available? All places I've tried (J&R, etc.)
say the unit is discontinued, but Stereophile had a
write-up about it last month! Any suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43

Showing 1 response by whatjd

Something that I have noticed..and liked on all of the SACD they '777ES, s9000es..or anything else. It seems that many..maybe most of the people that own these machines have focused as much or more on the sound of standard "redbook" cd playback. It seems that many newer machines..these SACD units included...have become more musical with the 16/44 format...and right know that is still more important. If anyone with the s9000es that has used it stock vs. with some of the mods available vs. using an outboard DAC/upsampler can comment, I would have interest.