Sony SACD Player SCD-XA5400ES; YAY or NAY?

Happy New Year All,

Sony SACD Player SCD-XA5400ES; YAY or NAY? (around $1,000. usd used)

6 dacs, 3 left/3 right

sends SACD’s DSD out RCA jacks without conversion to PCM.

Upscales CD’s 8x to SACD #s, then out RCA

spinner traverses over fixed dual laser: one cd, one sacd

2010 model: typically 10-12 years old, I see laser assemblies for sale, indicates

a. people want to keep em going.

b. laser problematic

thanks for advice as always,





Showing 6 responses by jafant



Are you still enjoying Luxman and Sony ES players?


Happy Listening!



Good to read that you are enjoying the Sony ES. 


Happy Listening!



dave_b switched to all Krell gear not too long ago. Perhaps he will update his system soon?


Happy Listening!



how are you liking the Sony XA-5400ES ?


Happy Listening!



Nice! collection of CD/SACD players. Besides the SACD playback capibilty, can you talk about the sonic difference(s) between the Luxman D10x and D03x ?


Happy Listening!