Sony S7700 vs. Pioneer Elite DV-37

I am considering purchasing one of these units. Does anyone have an opinion for sound quality? video quality? The player will be used 70% of the time for CDs, 30% for DVD. Thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by john_l

I own the 7700 and I'm pretty happy with it. Well made, works well with my s-link enabled sony tv, great picture and didn't cost a fortune. You can buy them new for $575 off of It is detailed and sounds good, but you can tell it doesn't have the analog output stage of a $1200+ cd player. Its sound for movies is very good. For music, its sound is similar to the 500-700 rotel/denon CD player set. My adcom gcd-750 and my decade+ old conrad-johnson CD player both sound a little better to me. I've heard they make great transports.