Sony PUA 7 to re-wire or not

Dear all I have a Sony PUA7 - or is it the PS-X  - actually I think it is the latter on the basis that the wires are just hanging out of the base.

I have quotes between £200 and £300 ukp to rewire it.

Is it worth doing? or should I just install a plug at the end?

Out of interest is the PUA 7 a knife-edge or gimbal design?

My intention was/is to install it onto a SONY TTS8000
Dear @best-groove : You can make the SAEC/cartridge set up using Löfgren A or B in exactly the same way you do with any other tonearm/cartridge.

The " best " ?.  Well exist audiophiles that like the double knife bearing design, even today some of them are enthusiast of the vintage 3009 and 3012 by SME that comes with knife bearing kind of design.

SAEC is very good looking tonearm but for me certainly not the " best ".

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@lohanimal : 
Please let us hear your impressions of the PUA-7. 
My current project is a bit of a clone of yours: A TTS-8000 being restored in Germany right now will be mounted in a TB-2000 plinth with my Helius Omega Ruby as one of the tonearms. I only need to figure out which other tonearm to use...I love this hobby ;-)
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@noneggativwhere did you find the TB2000 - it's even harder to find than a good TTS8000. I have to make my own plinth that's gonna feature quite a few nice design touches.

I've always sought to find my audio doppelgänger - there's not many other people on the forums that have a Helius arms - the people I know with them tend to have the cyalene on a voyd TT and tend to be from the UK - where are you?

On another note the only person i could find in the UK to work on the PUA 7 can only start in around November.