Some may disagee with me on this, but it has been my experience that the transport has just as much of an influence on how a two piece digital playback system sounds, as the DAC does. Absolutely you can hook up a PS3 optically to a top drawer DAC, or any DAC with a Toslink input, and get CD playback. I own both a PS3 and a high end DAC(EAD)and have experiemented with this hook up scheme myself. To be completely honest the sound quality with this setup, using a high quality glass Toslink cable was underwhelming at best. Bright ,strident, uninvolving sound, devoid of any real soundstage or refinement. I have never been a big fan of the Toslink interface. I have always found that all else being equal a coaxial input/output is superior. This is just my experience, someone else's will and may differ.