Sony DVP-S9000ES Availability???

I want to pose an interesting question to anyone who has more knowledge about this player than I seem to have. I know that I am the proud owner of a Pioneer Elite DV-37, and I have owned my DV-37 for almost a year and a half now. I have bought first and foremost, to be a DVD Player. But then, I have hooked it up to my audio system (which is located in a separate room, and is not connected up to the home theater system (which is located in my bedroom)), and that's where it has been ever since. Now that I want to get me a player that has wonderful build quality, has wonderful sound quality, and has SACD playback on top of that. And to me, the Sony DVP-S9000ES fits that bill. I was looking forward to getting one, but then, I have went to my audio dealer today to talk with my sales person (whom I haven't seen in months because his wife was out on disability) about possibly getting one around September or so. And he told me today that the Sony DVP-S9000ES is discontinued. And surely, as much as I want to believe him, surely, that cannot be the case, could it??? Because I haven't heard anything from Sony as far as coming out with a new ES model DVD/CD/SACD Player is concerned. So now, I ask you all. Has Sony REALLY discontinued the DVP-S9000ES DVD/CD/SACD Player??? And if so, do any of you know of a replacement that may be coming out to replace it?? And if so, will it be a two channel model like the DVP-S9000ES???? Or will it be a multi-channel model like their other players as well as their flagship XA-777ES???

Thanks in advance for your replies.


Showing 1 response by treyhoss

The Sony 9000es is OUT OF PRODUCTION. Any new in the box purchases are being sold out of existing inventory. The replacement for the Sony DVP-9000ES is the Sony DVP-999ES. How do I know? For starters I was wanting to purchase a 9000 back in September 2002 but wanted to hear on first. After going to an ES dealer (who didn't have it) he ended up doing some checking. It just so happened that a Sony rep was there who seemed to be fairly knowledgable about the issue. It was then I heard about the 999ES. I ended up buying the 999ES in mid December and I find it to be an excellent unit. Not as heavy as the 9000 but not a "lightwieght" either - comes in around 15 lbs (I think). And yes it DOES multi-channel SACD. The 999es is just now starting to "break in" and really open up - it is awesome on SACD and "pretty good" on redbook vs. my current DAC and AA DTI-PRO32 set-up. I will give it until the end of the month to really give the redbook a thumbs up or down (I have been concentrating on breaking in the SACD). If not, I believe it will make a better transport than what I currently have with the DAC. FWIW, I have seen the 999ES sold for around $899 new - it retails for $1200.