Sony 9000ES mods

Does anyone know of someone who does Audio output stage modification to this DVD player?

Showing 3 responses by angela100

TIM THE TIRE GUY!!!! We need a how the heck are ya section?
GOOD TO SEE YOU! Sorry I am yelling, I am just so excited!

Underwoodwally, while we never met, I met your dad a few times. WOnderful guy and we got some great deals on Sonic Frontiers stuff. I'll have to give you an email and see what ya got cookin' -

Kasboot, What do you think of the Sony? I have been looking into them since our digital out went kapoot on our current player.
Simontju- what changes did you "hear"?
How expensive was it?
How long did it take?
(why is the sky blue? sheesssh).
Sorry for so many questions. thanks in advance.
Simon,I didn't send an email so thanks so much for replying here. It would seem that you have raised some interest. And I wasn't implying free lunch, just trying to understand the time that it would take for planning purposes. and thanks for trying on the blue sky question! cheers -