Have not heard the Merlins, but own the Guarneri's. A fiend who has listened to my system and to another system buit around the Merlins sez the Guarneris go down further (~ 45 Hz in my room)and have a richer midrange. The Guarneri's tweeter is particulalrly good..almost electrostatic in its purity and speed. I certainly would not consider parting w/ mine. As for power, I gues it depends on what you use. I have used Bryston's 7BST monoblocks and Aronov 9100 monoblocks. The latter, though only 120 watts/ch using KT88 tubes, give up nothing to the Brystons in dynamics and bass control..and are a particularly good match w/ the SFGs. As you'd suspect, wire matters. The Guarneris like good cable!
Sonus Farber Guarneri vs Merlin VSM
Looking to complete a 2 channel system consisting of a Theta front end transport and DAC, and Joule Electra OTL monoblocks. Any other suggestions are welcome but my spending limit is about 4-5000. I am having some trouble finding both of these speakers to audition in my home so I would like to here from as many of you as possible before I decide on a speaker.