Sonus Faber vs B&W

Has anone heard the SF Grand Piano and B&W Nautilus 805 speakers on the same rig? What do you think?

Showing 1 response by apb3400cac36

Yo,Yo Tbonphile Sonus gives you more bang for a buck must be jokeing they are most overpriced speakers in USA, All Sonus Faber cost 40~50% less in Europe and B&W has same prices Europe versa USA, sure there is Paolo but his price are full retail in Europe not much deal here anyway.....Do you know that Sound factory GP go used (like new) for $ 1000~1200 in Europe. Retail there is like $ 2200.....and B&W 805N are better than GP (better value) when you buy new in USA any time of a day... I just wonder which biggest dealer gave you 75% off when the line (B&W) is only 40% off to the dealers. Happy listening