Sonus Faber Stradivari

I would like to hear from those who have owned (or at least heard) the Sonus Faber Stradivari and Revel Salon 2's (my current speakers). I know they are completely different speakers, but I have an opportunity to buy a nice used pair of Strads, but I continually see people selling them for various reasons (I understand the upgrade bug better than anyone!), but I'm wondering if there is something about the Strads I don't know (i.e. people grow tired of the Strad sound, they can't play loud, they don't do X....whatever?).

Associated equipment: I have two sets of monoblocks - McIntosh 2301's and 1.2kws.

Do I sell the Salon 2's and grab the Strads or hold on to the Salon 2's? I'm curious because I see those who flip speakers a lot, end up searching for uncolored/neutral speakers (which I now have). That's why I wonder if some become tired of the Strad sound and would I?

Showing 1 response by elviukai

IMHO the only thing that Focal Maestro Utopia and Sonus Faber Stradivarii shares its upper bass warmth. Otherwise its diferent speakers especialy in midrange resolution and speed -Maestro is much better. Strads on the other hand have slight more extended and crispy very top high frequencies(but most people dont hear that)