Sonus Faber - Stradivari - Amp and Pre

I currently have SF Cremona driven by a Classe CP-65 pre and a Levinson 432 amp. I am looking at the possibility of a pair of Stradivari. Any thoughts on how the Classe and Levinson would match with the Strads? I realize that this class of speaker normally would call for a higher end electronics, but the Strads are enough of a stretch. Upgrading electronics is probably not in the cards. Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by paladin

Think you are putting the cart before the horse.
If upgrading the amp & pre is not in the cards - What will you do if the mix is wrong?
Your amp certainly has enough power, but I would suggest a tubed pre for warmth.
On the other hand - If you're happy with the sound of the amp/pre combo with the Cremora's - It might just work.
The Strad's are a very special speaker & the better you feed it - The better it will sound.