Sonus Faber Sonetto V’s Thoughts Requested

Hello. While I’ve never posted, I’ve been a very regular lurker here for the last couple of years. The wealth of knowledge here is truly remarkable and much of it is over my head. I really respect the opinion of @Soix , @ghdprentice , and @erik_squires as well as others not named. I also appreciate how they generally go about their posts and replies, while a few others can get petty and combative, which is unfortunate and unhelpful. Overall, it seems like a good bunch that genuinely loves their hobby and likes to help others, which is great. I know, nobody asked, but I thought some of you who have been here a while might find the thoughts of a first time poster, who has been reading this informative forum for a while, somewhat interesting. 

I definitely do not consider myself an audiophile, but I have always greatly appreciated good sound. I currently have an older model Arcam AVR-450, which is rated at 125 per channel in stereo mode, driving a pair of KEF Q750’s. I also have a KEF R2C center and a Revel B110 sub. I’m happy with the sound but have become a bit smitten with the Sonus Faber Sonetto V’s and I’m thinking that they will be a somewhat affordable upgrade in sound, and I find them very visually appealing, which I know shouldn’t matter, so call me shallow. I have not heard the Sonettos, but have heard the Amati’s, which of course is a large step up. I’m ridiculously rural, so finding a dealer for a demo is not much of an option. I do prefer a somewhat warmer sound as opposed to a brighter one. I’m not a bass junky believing that bass should enhance not overwhelm. Bass should be heard of course, but for me, there is more in the mids and highs than the lows that makes for good music to my ears. I generally listen to classic rock like Pink Floyd, Steely Dan, Elton John, Winwood, Heart, Doobies, Clapton, etc.

My questions to the group are: 1. Would the Sonetto’s V’s be a noticeable upgrade over my Q750’s in SQ? 2. Is my Arcam “good enough” to drive the Sonetto V’s satisfactorily, as an upgrade to the Arcam is not an option for me anytime soon? 3. Please feel free to answer any questions you think I should have asked. Like I said, I’m not an audiophile…

I thank you in advance for your posts! Hey, how about those cable threads and whatever happen to Kenjit?  😉



Showing 11 responses by dbeckwith

@kingbr - Would you be so kind as to elaborate a little to let us know how you compare your Revels to the Sonettos, since you like them both. Dont be afraid to dumb it down for me. Do you expect the Vs, once you get them, to come closer to the Revels in SQ. Perhaps they are too different to compare, IDK. Thx in advance.

@soix - Thanks for your additional comments. I have zero doubt that they have great merit. I did look at your suggested Ushers and they do make good looking cabinets and I would think if they pass your muster, they would be a good choice.

My one audio buddy, who is a Revel fan and runs his stuff on Jeff Rowland power, thinks I should look at the F208s. They are on sale right now at 3850 a pair and their cabinets are attractive as well. Great, now even more to consider.

There's probably an engineering reason, but I don't understand why there aren't more options where the venere goes all the way across the front like the Sonettos or the F208s. The vast majority have the black fronts of different material, which I find less attractive, not that anybody asked. Thanks again.

@hazeloop Thank you for sharing your experience and comparison. I mentioned a bit further up, that I've not had the chance to listen to anything Focal, but I understand that those who like them really like them. Was there anything in particular between the 2 that made you go in the direction of France instead of Italy? I've read somewhere that Focals tend to be a bit on the bright side in general as opposed to what most consider a warmer SF sound. Did you find that to be the case and was that the reason for your decision?

@overthemoon - Thanks for your input. I was hoping to hear from someone who actually owned or spent some time with the Sonettos.


@ghdprentice - Thank you sir for your time and comments. I did know that you have and love your Amatis. I think i may m

not have been clear on my original post. I actually own KEF Q750 at the moment and was looking for input on if spending the money to move up to the Sonettos would be just that, a move up in SQ. It sounds like you think going to the SF house sound and their musicality would be a move in the right direction from my entry level KEFs, despite your bias. 🙂


@soix - Thanks for your time and input as well. Somehow I thought you might want more info than i might be able to coherently give. I do struggle with some audiophile vernacular. I was thinking of you when I put down the warmth etc. comment in my OP. Ha. I did like the SF sound that I heard with the Amatis, but they are quite a few steps above the sonettos. @ghdprentice mentioned the word musicality, so I think that works. I dont want speakers that are so accurate that mediocre recordings are somewhat difficult to listen to. As you know, most recordings are not considered great. 

I'm not really looking for other options in my 4 to 5k max budget, so much as I was looking for info regarding if the Sonettos in particular, which I seemed to be fixated on, is a real step up in SQ vs. My current Q750s. If it's not much of an upgrade I might stay put, despite loving the sonetto's great cabinets.


@grislybutter - Thanks for your reasonable question. These will be going in my main room which is fairly large, is open to the kitchen, and has 12' ceilings. While bookshelfs can be fine indeed, I never quite understood standmounted bookshelfs in a bigger room when they essentially take up the same footprint of a floor stander. As I mentioned, I find them quite attractive and while bigger is not always better, a beautiful cabinet  and a bigger sound seems to be my preference.


Thanks again, guys.

Thanks for all of the overnight responses. When I get some time later today I will respond in more detail. Thx again. More are welcome, as well.


@ghdprentice - I reread your post earlier this morning with fresher eyes. It is I who misread part of your post. Sorry for the confusion on my part.


More later.



@soix – Thanks for your additional posts. My understanding is that the Venere’s were SF’s misstep into manufacturing their entry level speakers in China. I don’t know, but price point and the China issue may have had something to do with your poor experience. I believe they have taken everything back in house in Italy after that manufacturing experiment produced less than desirable results etc.

Thank you for your Usher suggestions. I will look into them later this evening.

I appreciate and understand you contradicting my I’m not an audiophile comment and maybe I am to a small degree, but much of @mijostyn comments to me were a bit over the head for this neophyte. 😊 So much to learn if I want to progress any in this hobby.  

@jbuhl – Thank you for your input. I can’t help but wonder how the V’s might have been a better match to compare, but I believe the Focals mentioned are a bit cheaper, so hmmm.

@kingbr – Well, you must have really liked the III’s to order the V’s. It will be interesting to read about how you might find them better/different than the III’s. It will also be interesting if you feel the Revels still beat the bigger V’s once you get them. I’ve only heard the Salon 2’s, but understand that Revels are hard to beat at each price point. Thanks for your comments on appearance. I agree that I too have to like the sound and the looks to spend what are not insignificant dollars for me.

@mijostyn – Thank you for confirming that my Arcam will be sufficient to drive the Sonetto V’s, should I go that route, and thanks for your other comments as well. I do care about bass but I’m not looking for a floorstander to be all that in the bass department. I do have a Revel B110 sub, so I should be able to make up any potential low-end deficiency that I might perceive.

To answer your question: I used to regularly frequent concerts when I lived in the big city, but now I’m lucky if I get to go every year or two. Just FYI, for those that like Pink Floyd, I highly recommend seeing a Brit Floyd show should they come to your town. I’ve seen them 4 times and would go back again, given the opportunity. Although, lol, there was a touch too much low end the last couple of times. 😊

@12many – Thank you and agree completely, but hard to do when I’m so far from so called civilization and only have 1 true audiophile friend. One thing I’ve learned while lurking these last couple of years is that there are so many factors that affect sound. A set of speakers may sound great at the dealer but less than desirable when set up in one’s room with their amp, which I bet would be quite frustrating, unless one can return them.

@rick_n – All good points, thank you. I will look at what’s out there in the Novas, but I’m already looking to spend more than I’m comfortable with, but than again, I am fairly frugal, so maybe I just need to get over it for this potential purchase. I’ve bought speakers 4 times, a pair of Q750’s new on sale, a used KEF R2C, and a used Revel B110. Of the 4 originally received packages, 2 were damaged. The new Q that came in damaged (hole in one of the drivers) was replaced by Crutchfield, but buying pricey used speakers... I’m not sure I would do so, unless I could pick them up personally.

@grislybutter – What was your bad experience with the 1 step down Lumina’s? I did like your speaker list. Looks like a large labor of love.

@carmed63 – Thank you for giving me your personal experience with them.

@gg107 – Thank you for your info on the Olympica III’s. I will take a look a bit later this evening.

Thanks to all of you for replying to this newbie. It is much appreciated. 


@stereo5 - YW on the Brit Floyd suggestion. I would be surprised if you were disappointed should you catch a show. They do so many shows each year that they are extremely well practiced and proficient. Their laser show is well done too. Their founder and musical director was originally with the Aussie group, but left more than a decade ago believing he could do the tribute better and it seems he was right. If you get the chance go to YouTube and watch their version of dogs, a very hard song to do live.They tour the US every year, usually during the first 6 months or so. You can go to their site for dates and places.

@grislybutter - Thanks for your comment and for answering my question regarding your Lumina not so good experience.

@mijostyn - Bass is good to be sure, but too much of that good thing... not so much. Live music in a good venue is great to be sure and more visceral as you mentioned. Thanks for the sub info. I just may get to the dual sub level someday and will keep your tip in mind.

@jbuhl - Thank you for the clarification. I've never had the opportunity to listen to Focals. Like SF, they do have their following.

Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond to this discussion. @ghdprentice , sorry about my original misread of your first post. When I read it the next day, it became clear as day. This discussion leaves food for thought in all directions. It seems like most topics audio, things are subjective with opposing views on many if not most topics. 


@kingbr - Brian, thank you for your comments and the time you took to convey such a full accounting. I do understand your Revel intimidating comment, especially compared the Sonetto Vs. They are attractive, likely sound terrific, but a bit large and "intimidating". That's a good word for what I feel when looking at my buddy's Salon 2s. 🙂

@hazeloop - Thank you for taking considerable time in sharing your comparison experience. Interesting that you liked the Luminas better. Your trip recommendation is a good one. 

Again, thank you to all who contributed. While it may not have cleared things up for me, perhaps it even did the opposite to some degree, the comments were thoughtful, thought provoking, full of good info, and appreciated. 

I will now go back to my more comfortable lurking posture on this forum. 



Thanks for your latest post! I was hoping you would post your experience with the V's, once you received them. Thanks for remembering to do so. You liked the III's enough to get the V's and to read that the V's were that much better, is great to read. 


I have little doubt, that at this price point, the F208's are likely a bit better, but I think I'm going to give the V's a go. I love the look and if for some reason I'm not pleased by the sound, I will likely give the F208's or the F206's, which are more size appropriate for my room, a try. I'm fairly confident that the V's will not only satisfy me visually but musically as well. As with most things, time will tell. Thanks again. Much appreciated!


@kingbr  The grills will definitely be off when I am home and listening. For many, looks may not matter, as it's all about the sound. For me, and it seems you too, looks matter as well. Of course, like pretty much everything in this endeavor, it is subjective. I personally don't care how good a speaker sounds if it has a high fugly factor. Sure seems to me that there are enough brands out there for someone to find a pleasurable sound and visual experience. Thanks for the break in tips and again for your posts.


@mapman Thanks for your 2 pennies and the info. Hearing from someone who has both brands is helpful. I feel fairly confident that the Sonetto V's will be both a pleasure to look at and to listen to.