Sonus Faber owners--string grill cover alternatives

Most of us are having, or will have, problems with the silk strings that SF has used for decades for either their stands, or their grill covers. While there are some SF’s that don’t use this design, it still seems to be popular with many of their models. While the grill covers have a certain aesthetic appeal, this is off-set (at least IMHO) by the sagging and other problems that this design is subject to over time. So, i thought I would ask the community if anyone has come up with an alternative DIY fix that works on their SF’s..and if so, what that is?

Showing 1 response by tricon_dave

I've had Amati Futuras and now Strads. In both cases I never took the string grills out of their packaging.  Instead I just use the "socks" that came with the speakers and cover them up when not listening.  Protects them and keeps the dust off as well.