Sonus Faber Olympica nova 2 VS Sonus Faber Cremona M Loudspeaker vs

I am looking to upgrade my speakers, I am looking at either used Sonus Faber Olympica 2, or if I can find at a good price the Olympica Nova 2, or a used pair of Sonus Faber Cremona M Loudspeaker

I am also looking at the GoldenEar Triton 2 plus, or One R

wondering if anyone has heard these and has an opinion. 

Mostly Hard Rock some Metal, Jazz Rock Fusion, and once and a while Jazz 


Thank you 


Showing 1 response by rooze

I just picked up a pair of Cremona M and they sound very good. Nothing I've played so far appears off-limits - Jazz, rock, metal, etc, have all sounded very good.

In my system with my ears, these are not your typical warm and cozy sounding Sonus Faber speakers. I owned the Cremona Auditor M for a while and they were very warm sounding, quite veiled, and lacking in clarity and transparency. The Cremona M is far more neutral in my system....with my ears, etc.

I've driven them with hybrid amps (6H30 input, class D Hypex output) and a solid-state amp that runs Class A for 5 watts (Moon W5.3SE) and both sound great with the Cremona M.

They also look gorgeous and are fairly easy to get dialed in.