Thank you ghdprendice for your comments. Although I appreciate your trying to help & with no disrespect, I must tell you that your information on the Minima fm2 with regard to specs & other comments are incorrect. Firstly there is no such speaker that is called the "Minima Amator fm2". Instead it is the "Minima fm2" & I'm looking for the sonic difference between the "Minima fm2" & the "Minima Amator". The Minima fm2 has the esotar 330 tweeter & a 4.4"mid woofer & it's sensitivity is 84db & only goes down to 70Hz. You are mostly correct with your information about the "Minima Amator" which has a dynaudio D28 tweeter & a 5.5" mid woofer.. It appears with the information you gave about the fm2, you may have it confused with the Electa Amator. I'm not sure why Franco Serblin designed 2 different Minima's and I can't find much info on the subject with regard to that which is why I am asking. Thanks anyway.
Sonus Faber Minima Amator compared to Minima fm2?
Hi Guys, I’ve searched everywhere but can seem to find a comparison sonic-ally between the original Minima Amator & fm2. The specs show that the Minima doesn’t go nearly as low, but does have the esotar 330 tweeter. So maybe it has a thinner yet sweeter sound? Also I can’t seem to find which one Franco Serblin designed first & why he designed two different versions of the minima? Any input on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!